Sarah Lawrence College offers a Spring semester in Catania, Sicily. During your semester as a student in Catania, the most important city in eastern Sicily, you will live and study with Italians, learning about Italy from inside the culture. At the University of Catania, located in a magnificent Benedectine monastery of the XVII century, you will take humanities courses that emphasize and challenge your knowledge of Italian language and culture. With the Mediterranean before you, you will feel the Greek and Roman centuries beneath your feet, and you will encounter the city's baroque architecture, and wander among its splendid palazzi. With Mt. Etna in the background, you will experience the feeling of living between the highest active volcano in Europe and one of the most suggestive coasts in Italy.
Quick Facts
Population: 61261254 Capital: Rome Per-capita GDP: $ 30900 Size: 301340 km2 Time Zone: (GMT + 01:00 hour) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
US State Department
Travel Warning: YES See : Country Specific Info.