Study Abroad Ambassadors

Returning from a semester abroad, and eager to share your global experience with others? Considering a future semester abroad, and interested in suggestions from peers who already studied in that region? Have ideas to contribute for programs and/or events? The Lang College Study Abroad Office will help facilitate these connections with your peers, and we would like to hear your suggestions.
We encourage you to stay engaged with your international experience. As an alumnus of study abroad, we welcome your continued participation:
* Submit photographs and testimonials from your time abroad
* Write articles for our monthly newsletter, or provide content for our social media
* Represent your host program and/or country at the annual study abroad fair or monthly information tables
* Mentor other students interested in study abroad as an ambassador for the country where you studied
* Contribute ideas for future events and programs through an advisory committee
* Engage with International Student Services through International Education Week, or continue learning about other cultures and languages through the Conversation Partners Program.
Contact us for more information about staying involved with your study abroad experience.