Expand your Horizons, Develop a Global Perspective!
A study abroad experience is often one of the most rewarding and transformative experiences of your undergraduate career, and an experience you will undoubtedly reflect on throughout your life. Many students spend an academic semester, academic year, or summer
abroad attending courses, participating in internships or fieldwork, or pursuing service projects. This website is designed to
help you explore international opportunities.
We are eager to help advise you throughout the process, and provide support services from initial exploration and application for programs, throughout the time abroad, and even once you have returned. At Lang College, we offer international study options both
through the special exchange programs and through outside providers, in addition to a portfolio of short-‐term overseas programs led by faculty members from Lang (during winter and summer breaks, wonderful options for those short on time and/or funds!). If interested in one of our exchange programs or short-term options, or exploring possibilities through an approved provider elsewhere, we encourage you to contact us at langstudyabroad@newschool.edu.
Lang Study Abroad
Tibet Living Buddhist Culture
Cambodia History, Politics & Educational Development
Buenos Aires Citizenship & Globalization
Rwanda Genocide & Reconstruction
Germany Music in Berlin
Edinburgh International Fringe Theater Festival
Edinburgh International Fringe Theater Festival
Mexico Yucatán from the Maya to Revolution
Mexico Yucatán from the Maya to Revolution
Cambodia History, Politics & Educational Development
Verona Literature & Language
Verona Literature & Language
Germany Music in Berlin
Verona Literature & Language
Mexico Yucatán from the Maya to Revolution
Cambodia History, Politics & Educational Development
Mexico Yucatán from the Maya to Revolution
Cambodia History, Politics & Educational Development
Cambodia History, Politics & Educational Development
Cambodia History, Politics & Educational Development
Tibet Living Buddhist Culture
Rwanda Genocide & Reconstruction
Rwanda Genocide & Reconstruction
Rwanda Genocide & Reconstruction